This morning, while I was getting dressed, something addressed itself briefly and it was able to put a smile on my face. I thought I would share.
In a world where it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel in many situations, we have to embrace all of the simple pleasures that make the day count. I guess I should say "I" need to do this more frequently as opposed to "we" being that I know a lot of people who make me sick with positivity and over-optimism. This morning, at 4:30am I turned my stereo on, fought through my sleepy eyes and made a list of things of fun things I am going to do this weekend. As stupid as it may sound, this actually made me much more optimistic about the day ahead of me; and being that I'm not a "list guy", it was much more difficult than I thought it would be. Instead of dreading the drive to work (which is a repetitious trend for my mornings), I thought about getting through today in order to do all the fun things on my scribbled list. I'm now at work (wasting time) and instead of hating life and contemplating injecting bathroom cleaner into my veins, I close my eyes and see the lake, and my family, and a bar-b-que. I guess it helps that it's Friday.
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