Saturday, August 9, 2008


So Dave, my brother, and I have landed on Italy as our future country of residence. There are, however, a few significant problems we are currently encountering. First off, there is enough government issued red tape involved to sponsor every ship launching, Barnes and Noble grand opening, and Special Olympic finish line for the next 400 years. We can handle the bureaucratic infringement without discomfort but we haven't gotten to issue number 2...being: we need money. Money makes most things easier in every known country on the planet, and to be honest I just don't have it in me to discover a country that has no bearing on monetary establishment, let alone have the desire to live in said country. I am currently open to any ideas for revenue enhancement as of this moment. I am a fairly competent writer for hire. In addition, I am willing to manually slave for anyone willing to supply the required funds to get me to Italy.

Let me know. : )

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