I am going to Chico today at 5pm. The excitement inside me right now can only be described using intense hand motions and flamboyant vocal stimulation. So, being that there is no way for me to physically express my excitement, I'll move on.
If you have ever been to Nevada (for an extended period of time) you know that if you don't like the current weather, wait ten minutes and it will more than likely change. I must tell you that if you think the weather in your area is fickle, you have no idea what you are talking about (unless you live in the bible belt in which case you win. But being that I don't know anyone living in the bible belt...). On Monday and Tuesday it was hotter than 3 Brazilian models fighting over which football game to watch. 95 degrees all day long. Then Wednesday rolls in with Mother Nature hitting her menses and going straight for the box of chocolate; hot, cold, hot, cold. Make up your frickin' mind MN, can't we just have some consistency this weekend, for me. I have a 4 hour drive ahead of me and far too much fun stuff to do to be hindered by a storm that finds it necessary to wreak havoc on us all. So this is me, Daris, asking you, stupid bitch of nature, take some Midol and call it a day. Please.
On a lighter note, the season finales of these dramatic crime dramas have been a blasty blast. The first one I watched was the NCIS finale which rocked my socks off. If you are a fan of NCIS hit me up and we'll discuss our thoughts. I'm pretty much a gay sailor when it comes to that show, I Tivo that shit and watch it again right after the initial airing ends. It's bad. Last night was Criminal Minds and CSI:NY, both of which were, eh, so-so.
So anyway, that's me this morning, I hope you are doing well, and if not, just know that at least your day isn't going as bad as Mother Nature's.
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